Léone Bource
National payroll taxes, partner
“I started working as a tax advisor specialising in national payroll taxes in 1992. I gained experience working for both the Big Four and smaller consultancies, and have been building on that expertise since starting my own consultancy in 2010. I focus primarily on the domestic aspects of taxation and social security. I answer any questions employers have and supervise activities including tax audits and fiscal procedures. I also work as a tax consultant on an interim basis and as a teacher. I am a payroll tax technical committee member for the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers. In all I do, a personal approach to collaboration and the sharing of knowledge are of prime importance to me.”
Léone is NOB member.
Martijn Snikkenburg
Internationale loonheffingen, partner
“After graduating, I started working in the expat department at PricewaterhouseCoopers, in both Eindhoven and Rotterdam. After seven years and following a brief interlude working for a tax law firm, I moved to Deloitte in Eindhoven, where I set up the company’s ex-pat department. Since establishing my own company in 2010, I have been focusing on the international aspects of taxation and social security, international assignments, salary splits and cross-border work. I handle all the work myself, which means you always have direct, personal contact with me whenever there is anything you need to change or discuss.”
Martijn is NOB member.
Lisa van Oorschot
“I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Business Law from Tilburg University in 2018. I am currently putting the finishing touches to my master’s thesis on the subject of employment law (specialising in civil law) at Radboud University (Nijmegen). This involves looking into how European courts deal with discrimination in the workplace. I began providing Léone and Martijn with administrative support for their tax consultancy in 2019. This has since developed into a permanent position and I now deal with the international aspects of social security and with economic migration law, among other topics.”